EFT with Alicia Mosley

When: December 26th, 2021

Time: 12pm PST / 3pm EST

Where: Zoom

Alicia Mosley (she/her) is a poet and fiction writer, a mother of four, and a community educator. She earned her MEd in Curriculum Development and MFA in Creative Writing from the University of California, Riverside. Her work has appeared in Los Angeles Review of Books and Sun Magazine. Alicia is currently working on her first novel. Much of her work explores the magical labor of mothering while black and mothering black children.

Join Black Light Arts Collective in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) . An acupressure based self-care technique that helps restore balance and resiliency to a disrupted energy/dysregulated nervous system. (Used to respond to anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain and more.)

For this workshop, you'll want to have space to move, to sit, and to write a bit. Nearby, have one or two things that make you feel nurtured and grounded--a pillow, blanket, a stone, or candle. You'll need a writing utensil and some paper. Have some water prepared. Hydration is crucial for EFT to work most effectively. This is an intimate workshop. Feel free to engage as much as feels comfortable for you. If that means turning the camera off at times or even not having it on at all, that is fine.